I am not a language teacher, I recently found out that people who continue to learn throughout life are less likely to suffer cognitive problems as the age.
Now I'm over 60 and I always wanted to learn a second language so I randomly picked up a set of language CDs at the library to use. But, my old brain is not taking it in very well.
I have begun to make these worksheets with the flashcards to add another level to my learning. I am very visual, so seeing it helps. When I color the letters in with pencils it further reinforces the language learning process.
Now I'm over 60 and I always wanted to learn a second language so I randomly picked up a set of language CDs at the library to use. But, my old brain is not taking it in very well.
I have begun to make these worksheets with the flashcards to add another level to my learning. I am very visual, so seeing it helps. When I color the letters in with pencils it further reinforces the language learning process.