Print the page below and color the words. Cut the bottom sections out and glue them back to back to make a flashcard for the word Cafe on one side and Brown on the other. If your paper is too lightweight, try sandwiching the two sides between a third sheet or a piece of heavier cardstock. The top section serves as a page for your language journal. Combine it with others and use brass roundhead push-through fasteners to connect them together.
I make these flashcards because, at my age, I have trouble learning. I find creating a project helps, like creating flashcards. The bottom of the printable is the flashcard, and when I color and decorate the words, it helps. The top portion is a page for a language journal. I make notes all over the border and on the space for practice writing.
The file below is a JPEG and should print without problems. If you do have a problem, see the HOW TO PRINT tab for some suggestions. I have an upgraded file below that is in PDF that may work when the other does not.
Free Spanish English Flashcard Project for the Words Cafe and Brown |
Below is a file in PDF format that may work better on some systems.
CLICK HERE for a file in PDF.
Here are some resources that may help to learn and appreciate this word.
Here is a link to an article about the different words used to say brown in Spanish at CLICK HERE to visit this resource.
Here is a website with information on all the basic colors. Woodwardspanish. CLICK HERE to visit this resource.
Happy learning
© Adron 3/5/2021